About this episode

For women, sexual interest tends to be affected by many different factors. Of particular significance is the status of our marital relationship. When things are going great in your overall relationship with your husband, sex can feel like an easy and natural extension of that relationship.

And what about when things aren’t going so great? It’s normal to have ups and downs throughout the life of your marriage—but how does this affect your sex life, and what can you do about it?

Before we dig in, let’s be absolutely clear that we are talking about normal ups and downs—when you and your husband have had an argument, when one of you has hurt feelings, or even when life gets busy and you barely have time for a conversation, much less sex. We are NOT talking about a marriage that is on the verge of divorce, nor are we talking about a situation in which your husband has been in unrepentant sin against you through pornography or abuse.


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Married Dance

Venus Pearls

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From the Bible

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
