Many of us face obstacles to playfulness around sexuality and sexual experience. Today, we discuss ways to foster light hearts on a sometimes serious subject.
Thanks to MarriedDance, a Christian sex toy store that’s discreet and presents products in a nudity-free, marriage-focused environment.

Listen to the Episode
From the Bible
Song of Songs – the whole book!
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22
- Episode 114: Pursuing Playfulness in Sexual Intimacy – Sex Chat for Christian Wives
- Episode 25: Sex Is Funny – Sex Chat for Christian Wives
- Faithful Counseling (now Better Help)
- Does He Make You Laugh? – Hot, Holy & Humorous (
- 3 Benefits to Playing a Bedroom Game – Hot, Holy & Humorous
- Pillow Talk: 40 Conversations about Sex for Married Couples by J. Parker
- Why I Still Wear Lingerie (though My Hubby Doesn’t Care) – Hot, Holy & Humorous
- 7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Lingerie | The Forgiven Wife
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I’ve been listening to you ladies for about a year now. Thank you for what you do. Your podcast has given me the courage to open up more to my husband.
I’ve been the higher desire wife for most of mine and my husband’s 19 years of marriage. However, I can still be shy or bashful about conversations about sex and what I want or desire. My husband is even more bashful than I am. About six months ago after making love, I just blurted out the question, “What are your sexual desires, because I’m open to just about anything!?” It must have been the way I said it, but my husband laughed, which made me laugh too. This sparked a much needed talk between us.
Now, the only lingerie I’ve owned is from my Bachelorette party. The flowy pieces still fit, but I wanted something new and fitted. I’ve actually never bought lingerie for myself until about a week ago. I didn’t put it on all week. (I already mentioned that I’m a little bashful.) However, my husband gave me a perfect opening to put it on. As we are getting ready for bed, I mentioned to him how we need to turn the thermostat down because it was too warm in the house. He said, “No, the temperature is perfect, maybe you just need to wear less.” So, I said, okay. I quickly went into the bathroom and put on my new nighty. When I came out of the bathroom, he saw me and smiled really big and knew we were going to have some fun.
So, I guess I’m telling you all of this to say that being light hearted and playful has helped tremendously in our marriage bed.
How lovely! Glad you spoke up.
~ J. Parker