Fit. Strong. Healthy. The Busy Woman’s 30-Minute Guide to Making Time for Exercise


You want to start exercising regularly. You know that exercise is great for your body and, maybe even more importantly, for your mind.

It helps you feel less stressed and more energized. And it keeps you strong and helps you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

You know all that. But there’s a problem. You struggle to find time and energy for exercise in your busy schedule. Even if you plan to exercise regularly, life gets in the way.

You can count on it. Work, kids’ activities, church, the house, the yard—the demands on your time just go on and on.

If that’s the position you’re in, then Fit. Strong. Healthy. is for you. It will help you overcome the busyness and figure out a way to fit exercise into your life regularly – without turning your life and schedule upside down.


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