With every episode of our podcast, we have invited you to join us around our virtual kitchen table as we have a conversation about sex. So many of you have told us that you feel like you’re right there with us!
Now we’d like to invite you to join us at the table for something even more awesome—our new webinar series.
Mark your calendars now for the 2019 webinars, with two for wives and one for husbands.
Understanding Your Sex Drive
Thursday, July 18, 7:30 pm Eastern Time
We will talk about female sexual response and how to spark or flame your sexual interest.
Thursday, September 19, 7:30 pm Eastern Time
We’ll cover variously foreplay techniques and share ideas on how to talk with your husband about using foreplay to make sex better for you.
Understanding Her Sex Drive
Thursday, November 14, 7:30 pm Eastern Time
In this webinar for husbands, we will teach you about your wife’s responsive desire and share things you can do to help your wife enjoy sex even more than she does now.
Each webinar will:
- Last approximately 40 minutes
- Involve all four of us sharing information and tips
- Allow you to submit questions in advance
- Include some live Q&A
- Give you access to replays, if are unable to make the webinar
All for less than the cost of a tube of lube! Yep, the charge is only $5 for each webinar.
Click here to learn more about the webinar series.
Sign up for our email list using the button below to be notified when registration opens for each webinar.
We look forward to seeing YOU at our virtual kitchen table!