Episode 159: Love Languages & Sexual Intimacy

Episode 159: Love Languages & Sexual Intimacy

You’ve probably heard of love languages, or maybe you haven’t. But when minister Gary Chapman noted that spouses often communicated love past one another, he realized that we express love in different ways. So, he proposed that there are five love languages—and his...
Episode 157: Creating Fireworks in the Bedroom

Episode 157: Creating Fireworks in the Bedroom

We’re recording before the American Independence Day, but this episode will air on July 4th—a time when fireworks displays can be found all over the country. But what about the explosive power of lovemaking? How can you create fireworks in the bedroom? Sponsor From...
Episode 156: What’s Up with the Penis

Episode 156: What’s Up with the Penis

About this episode Today we’re talking about the penis. What exactly is it? How does your husband feel about it? How do you feel about it? And how can you get comfortable and have fun with it? Sponsor Click Here to Learn More! Listen to the episode From the...